Tammy Killingsworth
Resource Teacher

High School: Goshen High School, Goshen, AL - 1987
Undergraduate: Troy University, Troy, AL - 1991 - Bachelors of Special Education/Learning Disabilities
Graduate: Troy University, Troy, AL - 1995 - Masters of Education in Specific Learning Disabilities
Work Experience:
1986-1988: Goshen Telephone Office, Goshen, AL
1988-1991: Troy University Personnel Office, Troy, AL
1991-2012: Fleeta Jr. High School, Opp, AL - Resource Teacher
2012-Present: Zion Chapel School, Jack, AL - Resource Teacher
I grew up in the small town of Glenwood, Alabama. I attended Goshen High School and graduated in 1987. From there I went to Troy University and graduated in 1991 with a degree in Special Education. After graduating college, I started my teaching career at Fleeta Jr. High School in Opp, Alabama. I taught at Fleeta for 21 years, teaching everything from regular education Language and Health, to working with the gifted program. Most of my experience there was teaching in a resource room with children with special needs. During those years I served as cheerleader sponsor, worked with girls basketball, the school beauty pageant, and other clubs and organizations. My years at Fleeta helped mold me into the teacher I am today, and my Fleeta friends will always be dear to my heart.
I have three beautiful daughters: Sarah, Addie, and Emma. My girls are the joy in my life. We love spending time with our family and friends. My parents, brother, and family still live in Glenwood where they run their own business. I believe that growing up in a small community is a gift, and one that not everyone has the opportunity to experience. Zion Chapel is the type of community where you see and feel the love and support around you. God has richly blessed my family through the years, and among those blessings are our family and friends at Zion Chapel. My children and I are proud to consider ourselves Zion Chapel Rebels!