Junior Beta Club

Thank you for your interest in the Zion Chapel chapter of the Junior Beta Club! This chapter was established in 1995 in order to promote academic achievement and service to the community.
The primary criteria for becoming a member is:
- A semester grade of 88 or above in all core classes (English/Reading, Math, Science, History)
- Character recommendations from your teachers/coaches
- No major disciplinary violations
More detailed information about membership can be found in our bylaws.
The primary criteria for staying a member in regular standing is:
- participating in our semester service projects
- keeping your semester average for all the core classes at 88 or above
- avoid disciplinary violations
If you fall below the 88 average for a semester, you will receive a letter from Mrs. Storey explaining that you are on academic probation status and have one semester to bring your grades back up for your regular membership to be reinstated. Mrs. Storey will verbally tell you when you are off of probation (you will not receive a letter for this). Members on probation can still actively participate in service projects and meetings! In fact, we encourage it! If you don't bring your grades back up within the semester, you will receive an official dismissal letter from Mrs. Storey. Copies of probation and dismissal letters are kept by Mrs. Storey in order to keep accurate records and provide for any parents upon request.
New members are invited for induction every Spring. We pull grades for ALL 6th and 7th graders to review and invite for membership. While we do have 8th graders members, they are all from being inducted in the 6th and 7th grades. We do NOT invite 8th graders to become new members as all students sit out a year between 8th and 9th grade to prepare for SENIOR BETA induction.
Per our bylaws, students who are members of the National Junior Beta Club from and transfer in from another school are not automatically assured membership into the ZC Chapter of Junior Beta. They must go through the same induction process every Spring with other potential members.
Please email any questions to Mrs. Storey.