High School Guidance
Contact: Angela Davis, grades 7-12 Phone: (334) 897-6275
email: davisa@coffeecounty.k12.al.us
Click the photo icon links in the image below to access the following: college websites, opportunities and competitions for students, Class of 20-- Google Classrooms for students in grades 7-12, "Let's Talk" appointment requests to see Mrs. Davis, a calendar of upcoming events, ACT registration and information, FAFSA website, transcript request form, and scholarship information,
Zion Chapel School Counselor Services
The role of the school counselor is to promote academic, career, and social/emotional development. Our goal is for students to achieve optimal personal growth, acquire positive social skills and values, set informed career goals, and realize their full academic potential to become productive, contributing members of the world community.
Mrs. Angela Davis serves students in grades 7-12.
Click here to visit Mrs. Davis's staff page.