- Highly Qualified
- Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI) certified
- Alabama Reading Initiative (ARI) Certified
- Master of Science in Elementary Education, Troy State University
- Bachelor of Science in Collaborative Education (K-6), Troy State University
Zion Chapel Elementary School, Third Grade, August 2001-present
Alabama Reading Academy, Summer 2005
My name is Kristy Jones, and this is my 24th year teaching third grade at Zion Chapel. I am originally from the small town of Evergreen, Alabama, where I graduated from Sparta Academy in 1997. I attended Alabama Southern Community College for two years, and then I transferred to Troy State University where I received my Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education in 2001 and my Master's degree in 2005. I began teaching third grade here in August 2001, and I have been so lucky from the beginning to work at such a wonderful school. I feel very blessed to go to work every day with such great faculty and staff.
My husband, Jason, and I have been married for 21 years and we have two daughters, Hudson (18) and Blakely (14). Hudson is a freshman at Troy University, and Blakely is a freshman at Zion Chapel. When I'm not spending time with my third graders, I enjoy going to Troy athletic events, vacationing at the beach, and visiting with my family and friends.